As in religion, parables, stories told by a narrator using Gods as the metaphors for ourselves exist in the ancient texts of Tantra as well, some of which are still being translated from the Sanskrit into modern languages. The symbol of the 'lovers' is Shiva and Shakti in Tantric embrace. Tantra is the one philosophy where men and women are equal as they are one in spirit. Humanists.
In the Buddhist branch of Tantra there is no Buddha as 'God' for we are all 'Buddha'. In Tantra we all embody Shiva (male energy) and Shakti (feminine energy) the myth being Shiva and Shakti merge into one divine essence. We need the right and left side of our brains to be balanced then we can all operate as a fully rounded kind human being.
Tantra has a rich philosophy and sets out a natural design for living instilling kindness towards ourselves and others.
In Tantra everyone is a divine microcosm of the self, a fully self-sufficient being, strong, courageous and able to love unconditionally. There is no fairytale citing a love that will save us or make us whole. We are already whole and beautiful as we are.
To enable us to live as close to nature as possible movement was devised to keep our bodies strong and virile, from the Buddhist Tantra, Qi Gong developed and in India the original was a free form yoga - Kashmiri Tantra Yoga or Tandava - which forms the basis of Hatha Yoga.
Modern Indian dance also calls Tandava the Dance of Shiva and has a tradition all it's own often portrayed in Bollywood movies with intricate dance steps and is fast paced.
I have been blessed to have been taught by one of the few living Tantra Masters Daniel Odier. KashmiriTantra Yoga- Tandava is a moving meditation, engaging the mind-body in the flow of life. Slow motion movements open the shoulders and massage the heart, we open our arms to love and the infinite possibilities of life, through time our bodies open up to the 'Spanda' our inner vibration of life flooding our bodies with natural serotonin, imperative for mental health.
Whilst moving free form we engage not only the upper body but the pelvis. Both men and women bring the life force energy up through the body contracting our PC muscles (kegel exercises), bliss floods the body in the form of vital sexual energy.
For women it keeps our yoni juicy and toned and for men the lingam becomes strong and all the sexual energy channels open. We are then able to give to and receive love from our beloved yet capable of igniting our own inner sexuality.
Classical Tantra encourages us to form deep unconditional love connections.
On my website www.artoftranscendence-tantra.com in 'Tantra For Women'. I have included a clip from one of my fellow students demonstrating the beautiful movement of Kashmiri Tantra Yoga - Tandava.
Wishing you Love and Light
If you would like to learn more about the essence of Classical Tantra in including Tantra Massage the you're welcome to call me 0873435081