What is Tantra? V Self Realization
May this jewel of knowledge lead all beings to reach the true nature of reality and may they keep this jewel in the deepest part of their heart.
Exert from Yoga Spandakarika (The Sacred Texts at the Origins of Tantra; translated by Daniel Odier. (My favorite Book)
The ancient texts of Tantra contain a beautiful design for peaceful, mindful living, practices that unite the Mind-Body-Soul in loving kindness and duality Shiva – Shakti, Yin and Yang, Male-Female.
Ultimately this is the path to enlightenment, it's also the path of non-duality (self) but everyday enlightenment is purely contentment in the present moment not reliant on material substance. This is something within the grasp of all of us when we are at one with ourself Mind-Body-Spirit. There is never the need to search for the mythical 'The One' to complete us as we are 'whole' as we are and therefore free to give our love unconditionally, there is no hole or void to fill within us.
You and only you are responsible for your current happiness or despair, emotions and time are fleeting. Meditation allows us to observe the range of emotions yet understand that we are not what we are labelled or defined by them, we are not the sad or angry person, it's only something we are feeling at this moment. We are not depressed, it's something that we feel now and it will transcend.
Self realization sounds such a big thing but it's defined as allowing us to fulfill our potential as human being, as a father or a mother, in our role in life, to take responsibility for our health and well being (yoga) and never to deny ourselves pleasure in life (of the senses). Life is supposed to be as joyful as we can make it, with inner strength and resilience we have the tools to cope with anything life throws at us knowing we have be open to it all and give it our best shot. We then have no need to hang on to negatives that are learned from those who themselves carry guilt, shame, intolerance, worry, anxiety we are then free to be, liberated and at peace with ourselves.
It's also enables us to give our love unconditionally and courageously, blissful in the knowledge that orgasm unites us with the pure energy within.
I hope this mini series has given you an insight to Classical Tantra in a nutshell and you'll go on to read some of the books listed on my About page and to find bliss in this lifetime.
Namaste from Tara x