The 7 chakra system simply relates to the main organs in your body or they can also be referred to as centres of energy. In Sanskrit Chakra translates to wheel or vortex, these relate to the sources of energy required to run your vital organs, when energy is depleted it causes illness or imbalance in the body.
The Chakras also relate to our emotional state and it's balance. This is easily reflected in times of nervousness or fear: we feel sick to our stomach or we have a gut reaction to a decision, a remark whether good our bad touches our heart, we may emit tears of joy or sadness on hearing sensitive news.
We also hold tension in parts of our body creating headaches or for instance in our abdomen, digestive problems, lower back pain, anxiety or low self esteem all are linked to a certain organ or Chakra
During a Tantra Massage session I perform energy practices on all the Chakras so eventually this energy will spin in harmony. Direct Massage on all those vital centres plus hundreds of others located all around your body linked to acupressure points are massaged to activate the sources of our positive energy or Chi (life force energy).
If you're in optimum health, a Tantra massage will enable you to reach your full potential to pleasure and tune your body to resonate in perfect harmony with yourself, loved ones and the Universe.
Over the next few weeks I'm going to explain the Chakra System in more detail.
Wishing you love and light.
From Tara