It's the breathing techniques in Tantra meditation that help you to gradually free yourself from your negative life experience, enabling you to let go of past trauma invading your mind or even just to free your mind of distractions that stop you fully relaxing with your partner.
When we feel deeply relaxed or connected to our partner the body reacts in a completely different way. We feel every touch, every movement so profoundly that being in this safe trusted place brings ecstasy without even stimulating the lingam or yoni, In essence we are full of orgasmic sensations. Tantra enables us to live in the body and not in our mind. It's an overthinking mind that creates our pain long after the event is over. Acceptance of the past allows us let it go, for the past does not define our core as a loving human being.
Tantra Healing Massage involves traditional techniques passed down over the centuries. A sacred safe space is always prepared with candlelight, a haven away from the chaos of the world.
Touch is always from the heart and follows a pattern for opening the body for pleasure and letting go of negativity through gentle, caring massage and touch. Tantric lovemaking engages all the senses, it's the slowness of the methods that heighten the sensations and can bring a jaded soul back to life. After the experience life seems more vivid, flavours dance on your tongue and and the sun is warming your skin even during the rain. The joy of life returns, along with confidence and creativity and clarity of mind.
Tantra has a rich historical philosophy that is centred on tolerance, respect, the now, and liberation of the mind and body from the past and judgement. We are all responsible for our own life, our bodies and our love and creating honest intimacy.
Please read the rest of my website for more information on Classical Tantra
You may call me to discuss on 0874345081
Wishing you love and light