Tantric Practices- Connecting to Sexual Energy
These words hold so much promise. A chance to renew ourselves spiritually. A time to reflect on how we can improve and evolve.
A good year allows us to bask in gratitude with the knowledge we are open to change for the better and can handle any negativity life may throw at us.
When we are open we can think for ourselves, look at all angles and choose what is right for us. Free to understand there are always many paths to joy.
With education and knowledge comes the strength to choose the path that is right for us and this may not be what local society has preached to us, myths and hearsay.
Our body is made up of pure energy and how we nourish this energy is our choice.
Our energy occurs naturally and responds to natural substances and it's also activated by movement, and the senses, plus positive, gracious energy.
Our sexual energy, life force energy is our vitality, this is fueled by our passion, which takes many forms.
Our sexual energy can also be degenerated by negative energy, negative thought, trauma, depression and unnatural substances in the form of synthetic medicine, illness and processed foodstuffs.
Authentic Tantra takes us back to source energy, free to be the sexual being we were born as, beautiful in our essence, in whatever form that takes. Free from guilt, shame, stress, greed, worry, fear, over thinking and judgement. Aging is no barrier to blissful sexuality for women or men contrary to the philosophy of certain repressed religions.
Authentic Tantra is the path to personal intimacy and shared intimacy with our beloved, a love that is unconditional.
A highway to pure energy and ecstasy
In this simple form our body is free to be open to the infinite pleasure of orgasmic delight contained with.
Wishing you peace, joy and bliss this year and for those to come.
Namaste and love from Tara