That moment of excitement when we think we've found the perfect pair of shoes or fitted kitchen fades when those shoes linger at the back of the wardrobe or the kitchen units go unnoticed as we move on to the next purchase that we think will complete our lives.
When we truly pare down our expectations we find what it is that really brings us pure contentment.
That is often honesty - living our lives courageously and being true to ourselves firstly, only then can we be honest with others we love.
Classical Tantra philosophy and meditation brings awareness back to our mind to examine our life in non duality, our own self.
When we are able to think for ourselves and choose what makes us happy in life, outside the need for validation from another person then often life starts to fall into place. When we are capable of nurturing our own self belief, respect our own judgement and the loving way we treat our bodies.
It's when we feel a pull against what people or society expects of us that an imbalance happens in our mind and body, confusion depression, illness, and our need to escape from this can lead some into dark places.
Tantra meditation brings stillness and clarity to an exhausted mind. It allows us to let go of negative conditioning that has darkly repressed our need for sexual love. That includes letting go of any shame that repression of sexuality brings allowing us to know and trust our bodies sexually. Touch and love of ourselves feels blissful too.
Only when we feel at one with our own body can we give unconditional touch to another. This leads us to choosing a love partner for the right reasons. If we are looking for someone to complete us that means two damaged beings coming together in the hope they will make a positive connection. Negativity feeds on negativity and no one can make you happy if you cannot be true to yourself.
Every recreational drug that has been manufactured has tried to copy a euphoric hormone that occurs naturally inside us. When we are held by someone who cares for us our body releases oxytocin, touch ignites dopamine. Tantra massage techniques conducted in a nurturing space light the touch paper to this ecstasy and this flood of naturally stored positive hormones that can be triggered just by breath work and conscious touch.
Yoga and movement keep the fires burning daily, fueling our sexual energy and keeping our bodies open and receptive to life and love.
This is Authentic Classical Tantra.
If you would like to discuss a Tantra Massage session with me or other aspects of Tantra you're welcome to call me 0873435081
Om Shanti from Tara