Be True to Yourself and Bliss will come.
And free to explore what simply feels good.
For when you let go of those preconceptions and allow your body to feel rather than your mind to think about the next move- then something magical occurs-instinct- and that’s what many people have become disconnected from, heart felt sense and gut instinct. Those are the things that your mind should have no say in.
The practices you experience within a Tantra session enable you to drop the idea of what should happen, how your body should be reacting and just let your body be with the sensations. The body is unblocked and free to find that elusive place of infinite joy, spontaneity and presence, letting the good vibrations permeate your body and soul, no thought needed just being there in a state of –beginners mind – open to what occurs with no preconceptions or filters from the past.
Peace and Love From Tara